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Tomislav Turkalj: my painting - oil on canvas
Tomislav Turkalj: my painting - pencil
Tomislav Turkalj: my painting - water color on ceramic
Tomislav Turkalj: my painting - water color
Tomislav Turkalj: my photo gallery

Tomislav Turkalj: Contact me

  … Expose arts of Tomislav Turkalj, but also whole his art creati, presents splending art entity and contents many other values, which gave him special and universal character and significance. 
    Many observers of his art, those who in deep penetrating achieve creative relationship, will feel for sure hers nobleness and eminence, they will feel artists serious artism, his wit, his originality and especially deepness of his feelings. We would draw attention to the individual selection, to those works, which are devote to the human, human face, that is portrait, who in some of details sink in “arts anecdote”, but who for sure, have deepness of character.
     By the way, Turkaljs interest for portraits, show his personal courage, knowledge and trust in him self, but also well known statement that man was always favorite, but not easy subject of artists elaboration as “emotional and psychological” imperative, and also as administrative domination in nature, and finally as “something” that interests all artists, but also watchers (people), because they discover something special, common and eternally in portrait art.
    Easiest sad, Turkaljs artist is telling us “per directum” , that art isn’t some individual, transcendental creation, abstract, and long away art, he is telling us that it is act of artist, who has created it for him self, but also for other people, or as it have sad great French, philosopher Romano Ingarden, “ … that what rise, truly art above usual artism, are ideas, artist emotions and his talent …”
               Prof. dr Kresimir IZAKOVIC
